ESL Lesson #71 - Going out to Dinner

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Going out to Dinner


My parents received good news. My dad got a promotion at work. My mom wants to celebrate. We decide to dine out tonight. We are going to go to his favorite restaurant. It is a special occasion. My mom made a reservation for 6 o'clock. We asked for a table by the window. The restaurant overlooks the bay. It has a beautiful view. At night, you can see the stars in the sky. I am going to order spaghetti. I always order the same dish. The chef at the restaurant makes great food. It is the best restaurant in town. Someday, I want to cook for my parents. I hope to go to culinary school and learn about cooking. I hope to open a restaurant one day. I need to finish my homework before my dad comes home. After I finish my homework, I will make a card for him. I want to congratulate him on his promotion. I am going to draw a picture of him in his suit and carrying his briefcase. I have to start my homework now.


Watch a slide show of all the vocabulary words in this lesson.

If you would like more vocabulary practice, go to the vocabulary flashcard page and study each word separately. After studying the vocabulary, practice speaking in the next ESL study session.

Vocabulary Flashcard Speaking Practice
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