Privacy Policy

How we are protecting your privacy

SKESL ("we") values the privacy of our users ("you") and we will do everything possible to keep your information private.

We have provided this Privacy Policy to inform you about how we collect, use, and protect information, including your personal information.

As part of our normal operations, we collect information about you in order to improve our services and provide a better user experience for you.

1. Information We Collect

We collect several types of information from our users. We collect some information directly from you when you agree to become a member of our site and we collect some information automatically as you use our site and services.

a) When you become a member of (this site), we collect information that can identify you such as your first name, your surname, your email, and your credit card information. All of this information will be kept private and will never be sold to other companies.

b) We also collect information for analytical purposes. This information is collected automatically and does not identify the specific individual user. This kind of information includes, but is not restricted to browser type, browser language, device ID, operating system type, device name and model, pages viewed, and the time that you visited the site and how long you spent on each page.

c) When you download our offline version app, we automatically collect information on the type of device you use and the operating system.

d) If you were to contact our customer support team, we may ask you to provide additional information in order for us to provide you with better service.

2. Where we Store Your Data

By submitting your personal data, you agree to the transfer, storing, and processing of your data. Your personal data will be processed by us or our service providers and will follow the data protection and privacy regulatory laws.

3. How Your Information Is Used

We use this information in the following ways:
  • To contact you by email and respond to your questions
  • To provide you with additional content and services
  • To inform you about necessary issues or service offers
  • To upgrade and improve our site and services
  • To carry out payment obligations between you and us, including billing and collection
  • To transmit your credit card information to the appropriate credit card company during the payment process
  • In any other way that may arise when we need to use information from you in order to provide assistance or service
  • To comply with any legal obligations that we may have
4. Information Others Collect

Your information may be collected or we may share your information with third-party service providers such as an analytics provider. Accordingly, these vendors, service providers, or agents may process and store your personal information.

5. Disclosing Your Information

We will not sell or rent your personal information to a third party.

We will share your information with third parties in order to process payments or refunds. We and our service providers use your personal data to operate our site and provide services. For example, we must provide your personal data to the card-issuing bank when we are processing payment in order to confirm payment for the products and services purchased from our site; and we must provide any other information in which a third party needs to help us provide a service.

We may also disclose the information that we collect about you in the following ways:
  • Business Transfers. We may disclose your information to another entity if we are acquired or merged with another company, or as part of a bankruptcy proceeding.
  • In Response to Legal Process. We will disclose your information in order to comply with any legal obligations.
  • To Protect Us and Others. We may disclose your information if we feel it is necessary to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, or any situation that threatens the safety of any person, or if you are in violation of our Terms of Services.
6. Changing or Removing Your Account and Personal Information

You have the right to view, edit, or remove your personal information at any time.

You can change or verify your information by going to the "My Profile" page.

You can remove all of your personal information by canceling your membership with our site and by emailing and requesting that all personal information be erased. We will comply with your request within a reasonable time period.

7. Cookies

We and our service providers use cookies and other tracking mechanisms to track information about the users of our site.

A cookie is a text file that a website transfers to your computer or device for record-keeping purposes. We or our providers might use cookies to track your activities on our site such as pages visited, and time spent on pages and site. Collecting cookies allows us to provide you with a better experience and better service.

You can delete or decline cookies by changing your browser settings.

8. Mobile Analytics

We use mobile analytics software to allow us to understand how our users use our product and services and to provide a better experience. This software will record information from your mobile device, but it will not be linked or connected to your personal data.

9. SKESL Community

You are not permitted to sell another member’s personal information or use it any way without direct and explicit permission to do so by the other party.

10. Security

We utilize sophisticated security software and use advanced security techniques and measures to ensure that your personal information is kept safe. We use security and vulnerability scans, software audits, firewalls, and data encryption.

11. Note About Children

Our site was not created for children under the age of 13. Children are not allowed to use our site without parental permission. Furthermore, we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from any person under the age of 13. If we become aware that we have done so, we will try our best to remove the information in a timely manner.

12. Changes to Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to change by us at any time. It may be changed to reflect any changes in the law or our need to accurately reflect our data collection and disclosure practices.