ESL Lesson #52 - A Hectic Weekend

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A Hectic Weekend


This weekend was incredibly hectic. I had too many things to do. On Saturday, I had soccer practice in the morning. I got hit by the ball really hard and broke my tooth. My coach said I could leave practice. My mother had to make a dentist appointment. The dentist doesn't usually work on the weekend, but it was an emergency. She said she could see me at noon. So we rushed to the dentist office. After the dentist fixed my tooth and checked for any other damages to my teeth, we went to my haircut appointment. My family and I were invited to a wedding at 5 o'clock in the evening. I didn't want to go, but my mom couldn't find a babysitter. We stayed late at the reception. On Sunday, I was supposed to meet my friend at 9 o'clock to work on our school project. But I overslept and my mom didn't wake me up. She said she forgot about it. Then, she couldn't find her car keys, so we were really late. After I got home, I suddenly realized I didn't finish my homework. Now I have to stay up late to finish my history assignment.


Watch a slide show of all the vocabulary words in this lesson.

If you would like more vocabulary practice, go to the vocabulary flashcard page and study each word separately. After studying the vocabulary, practice speaking in the next ESL study session.

Vocabulary Flashcard Speaking Practice
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