ESL Lesson #68 - A Musical

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A Musical


My best friend and I went to a musical last night. Our parents bought us tickets for our birthdays. A couple of my favorite singers were in it. It was two hours of sheer entertainment. The best part of the musical was the ending. All of the singers and actors came on stage. It was an amazing performance. I took pictures of the whole cast. My dad is going to help me make a scrapbook of all my photos. I think I will make one for my friend too. I can't stop singing all of the songs. I know all of the lyrics. The choir club at school is going to put on a musical. I think it is set for the spring of next year. I may want to audition for a part. I'm a little shy, but this will help me boost my confidence. We received a flyer at school regarding auditions a couple of weeks ago. I should have paid more attention to it. I think I threw it away. I know rehearsals are five days a week, Monday to Friday. I'm going to talk to the choir teacher tomorrow morning.


Watch a slide show of all the vocabulary words in this lesson.

If you would like more vocabulary practice, go to the vocabulary flashcard page and study each word separately. After studying the vocabulary, practice speaking in the next ESL study session.

Vocabulary Flashcard Speaking Practice
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