ESL Lesson #47 - Struggling with Homework

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Struggling with Homework


Nothing was going right yesterday. I was trying to do my homework and study for a test. It was so stressful. My math homework was really difficult so I struggled to finish it. My parents tried to help me, but they also had trouble with it. When I was done, I needed to write a paragraph for English class. But my mom's laptop was acting up. I had to write it by hand. I will type it in the computer lab at school. Then I was going to study for my science test. But I could not find my textbook. I wasted an hour looking for it. I searched the whole house. Then, I remembered that I left it on my front porch. I was sitting with some friends yesterday after school. I left it on the chair outside. When I finally found it, it was getting very late. I studied until I could not stay awake any longer. My mother told me to go to bed. I really didn't get enough sleep. I must go school early this morning, so I can finish my English homework in the computer lab. I was hoping to have a good day, but it may be another stressful school day.


Watch a slide show of all the vocabulary words in this lesson.

If you would like more vocabulary practice, go to the vocabulary flashcard page and study each word separately. After studying the vocabulary, practice speaking in the next ESL study session.

Vocabulary Flashcard Speaking Practice
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