ESL Lesson #55 - A Visit to the Zoo

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A Visit to the Zoo


Our class took a field trip to the zoo last week. My mom was a chaperone. We rode the school bus. I sat with a friend on the bus. My mom sat with the teacher. Each student got a name tag. The zoo was crowded. There were other schools there. We saw many animals. I even saw an ostrich. I really wanted to see a tiger and an elephant. They are my favorite animals. I waited for the tiger, but it never came out. The zoo guide said it was asleep. I was so disappointed. I finally saw an elephant. It was huge. My mom took a picture of it. She took pictures of all the animals. I really enjoy learning about different animals. I think I want to be a veterinarian or a zookeeper one day. I have a desire to take care of them. We have a dog at home. I want to get a cat, but my mom is allergic to them. They make her sneeze. My mom printed all of the pictures for me. I made a scrapbook of all the animals. I labeled each picture. I want to keep it forever.


Watch a slide show of all the vocabulary words in this lesson.

If you would like more vocabulary practice, go to the vocabulary flashcard page and study each word separately. After studying the vocabulary, practice speaking in the next ESL study session.

Vocabulary Flashcard Speaking Practice
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