ESL Lesson #73 - Waking up Late

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Waking up Late


I woke up late this morning. I did not hear my alarm clock. My mother attempted to wake me up. She gently shook my shoulder. That did not work, so she opened the curtains. The bright sun woke me up. What time is it? I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet. Where is my favorite shirt? I can't find anything in my bedroom. Why is it so messy? There are clothes all over the floor. I need to clean my room after school. I don't have time to eat breakfast, so my mother packs a small snack. Where did I put my backpack? My mother hands it to me. I look out the window and see the bus. It just passed our house. I missed the bus again. When did it come? I think it was early today. My mom is not happy with me. Why do I keep missing the bus? What is my problem? My mother has to drive me to school. I hope she won't be late for work. She has an important meeting this morning. I appreciate everything she does for me. Tomorrow, I won't be late.


Watch a slide show of all the vocabulary words in this lesson.

If you would like more vocabulary practice, go to the vocabulary flashcard page and study each word separately. After studying the vocabulary, practice speaking in the next ESL study session.

Vocabulary Flashcard Speaking Practice
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