#99 - Comparisons of Different Quantities - English Grammar

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Comparisons of Different Quantities

There are different ways to compare quantities. When you are comparing quantities that are different, the quantity adjective depends on the type of noun that is being compared. The types of nouns are countable and uncountable nouns.

Countable Noun Comparison

Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted as one or more. To compare countable nouns, use "more + countable noun or noun phrase + than" to indicate that there is more of something or "fewer + countable noun or noun phrase + than" to indicate that there is fewer of something.
  • I have more toys than Isabel.
  • Sam ate more apples than oranges.
  • Jessica has more shoes than her husband.
  • William has more books than Peter.
  • This store has fewer customers than that store.
  • There are fewer houses in your neighborhood than mine.
  • There are fewer students in this class than the other class.
  • The animal shelter has fewer cats than dogs.

Uncountable Noun Comparison

Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted. To compare uncountable nouns, use "more + uncountable noun or noun phrase + than" to indicate that there is more of something or "less + uncountable noun or noun phrase + than" to indicate that there is fewer of something.
  • I drink more coffee than Julie.
  • California has more sunshine than Washington.
  • The recipe calls for more flour than sugar.
  • They have more furniture than we do.
  • The restaurant serves less milk than coffee.
  • The sequel has less special effects than the original movie.
  • There is less traffic in the evening than in the morning.
  • Rachel has less patience than Ross.

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