#87 - Direct and Indirect Speech � Question Forms - English Grammar

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Direct and Indirect Speech � Question Forms

Direct speech and indirect speech are ways people express how something was said. Direct speech also called quoted speech is said exactly how the speaker initially spoke the words. Indirect speech also called reported speech is reported back not using the exact words as the original speaker.

Reporting Speech Questions

Direct speech questions asking "who", "what", "when", "where", "why", and "how" can be rephrased in indirect speech format. Question marks are not used in indirect speech formats.

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
"Who are you talking to?" she asked.She asked me who I was talking to.
My mom asked me, "What are you doing?"My mom asked me what I was doing.
Craig asked, "When are we leaving?"Craig asked when we were leaving.
My dad asked, "Where are you meeting?"My dad asked where we were meeting.
My sister asked me, "Why are you so sad?"My sister asked me why I was so sad.
"How are you doing?" Jane asked.Jane asked how I was doing.

Reporting Speech Yes/No Questions

Direct speech questions asking for "yes" or "no" answers can be rephrased in indirect speech format. "Yes or no" questions are reformatted by using "if". The format for indirect speech is "ask + if + clause".

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
He asked, "Do you speak English?"He asked if I spoke English.
My mom asked me, "Are you hungry?"My mom asked me if I was hungry.
My mom asked, "Have you eaten?"My mom asked if I had eaten.
Sally asked, "Can you ride a bike?"Sally asked if I could I ride a bike.
John asked, "Is it raining?"John asked if it was raining.

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