#54 - Basic Regular Adverbs - English Grammar

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Basic Regular Adverbs

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. An adverb tells more about a verb in the sentence. An adverb describes more about an adjective in the sentence. An adverb modifies another adverb in the sentence.

Adverbs - Modifying Verbs

An adverb tells more about a verb in the sentence.
  • The fire engine runs fast.
  • Listen to his speech carefully.
  • I browse the web frequently.

Adverbs - Modifying Adjectives

An adverb describes more about an adjective in the sentence.
  • The news is very surprising!
  • The coffee is extremely hot, so be careful.
  • Nature is really amazing!

Adverbs - Modifying Other Adverbs

An adverb modifies another adverb in the sentence.
  • The meteorologist is almost always right in predicting the weather.
  • My computer is running very fast after updating the system.
  • She works extremely well with younger children.

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