#130 - Future Unreal Conditionals - English Grammar

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Future Unreal Conditionals

Future unreal conditionals express a hypothetical situation in the future. Hypothetical means not real or being in an imagined situation. Future unreal conditionals indicate if this were going to happen, that would be occurring. But in reality, the event or action will not be occurring.

Future Unreal Conditionals - Using Simple Past

Future unreal conditionals make hypothetical statements then show what would happen in such situations. Sentences use "if" to make a hypothetical statement then expresses a hypothetical end result. "If" can be used to start off a sentence or be used to join two clauses. Only "if" is used with future unreal conditionals because it is describing a hypothetical or imaginary situation. You cannot use "when" in these sentences. Future unreal conditionals look like present unreal conditionals.

If + simple past clause (hypothetical condition)Would + verb (hypothetical result)
Would + verb (hypothetical result)If + simple past clause (hypothetical condition)

  • If I had time, I would take up a hobby.
  • I would take up a hobby if I had time.
  • If I had a week off from work, I would go to Hawaii.
  • I would go to Hawaii if I had a week off from work.
  • If Sam helped, we would finish earlier.
  • We would finish earlier if Sam helped.

Future Unreal Conditionals - Using Present Participle

Future unreal conditionals make hypothetical statements then show what would be happening in such situations. Sentences use "if" to make a hypothetical statement then expresses a hypothetical end result. "If" can be used to start off a sentence or be used to join two clauses. Only "if" is used with future unreal conditionals because it is describing a hypothetical or imaginary situation. You cannot use "when" in these sentences.

If + were + present participle (hypothetical condition)Would be + present participle (hypothetical result)
Would be + present participle (hypothetical result)If + were + present participle (hypothetical condition)

  • If I were traveling with them, I would be having a great time right now.
  • I would be having a great time right now if I were traveling with them.
  • If I were attending medical school, I would not be working.
  • I would not be working if I were attending medical school.
  • If Sam were helping, we would be finishing earlier.
  • We would be finishing earlier if Sam were helping.

Future Unreal Conditionals - Using Present Participle

Future unreal conditionals make hypothetical statements in the future then show what would be happening in such situations. Sentences use "if" to make a hypothetical statement then expresses a hypothetical end result. "If" can be used to start off a sentence or be used to join two clauses. Only "if" is used with future unreal conditionals because it is describing a hypothetical or imaginary situation. You cannot use "when" in these sentences.

If + were going to + verb (hypothetical condition)Would be + present participle (hypothetical result)
Would be + present participle (hypothetical result)If + were going to + verb (hypothetical condition)

  • If I were going to go to college, I would be majoring in Economics.
  • I would be majoring in Economics if I were going to go to college.
  • If I were going to travel, I would be taking my dog with me.
  • I would be taking my dog with me if I were going to travel.
  • If Sam were going to help, he would be arriving late.
  • Sam would be arriving late if he were going to help.

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