#84 - Present Perfect Tense with For and Since - English Grammar

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Present Perfect Tense with For and Since

Present perfect tense is used to express that an action happened in the past, has recently been completed, or is continuing into the present. You can use the present perfect with a specific time expression or time frame. Use "for" to express a specific period of time. Use "since" to indicate a starting point in time.

Present Perfect Tense with For

"For + a time period or time frame"
  • I have known Billy for 20 years.
  • She has been my friend for many years.
  • I have worked there for 3 years.
  • I have not been there for weeks.
  • She has not lived there for six months.

Present Perfect Tense with Since

"Since + a starting point in time"
  • I have known Billy since 1996.
  • She has been my friend since the 1980's.
  • I have worked there since May 1, 2013.
  • I have not been there since last Saturday.
  • She has not lived there since July.

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