How to Use "Account" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words account (n): description of an event; an arrangement with the bank to keep record of how much money a person puts in and takes out; an arrangement with a business showing how much something is owed or was paid for services


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Used with adjectives:

"The woman gave an eyewitness account of the crime."
(eyewitness, verbal, written, descriptive, interesting, good, firsthand)

"The book gives a fictional account of history."
(fictional, historical, accurate, false, honest, fascinating, written)

"I would like to open a bank account."
(bank, savings, checking, business, personal, private, joint)

Used with verbs:

"She gave her account of the accident."
(gave, told, provided, offered, wrote down)

"They signed up for a new account."
(signed up for, started, began, have, opened, created)

"He finally paid off his account."
(paid off, settled, satisfied)

"She emptied her bank account."
(emptied, cleared, closed)

"Please charge my account."
(charge, credit, debit)

Used with nouns:

"What is your account number?"
(number, balance)

"Who is the account holder?"

Study Vocabulary Words account (v): to explain


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Used with adverbs:

"Has the money been fully accounted for?"
(fully, completely, entirely, properly)

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