How to Use "Act" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words act (n): something that is done


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Used with adjectives:

"It is nice to help others with a kind act."
(kind, charitable, loving, selfless)

"I was angry when I saw his violent act against animals."
(violent, aggressive, careless)

"He was arrested for illegal acts."
(illegal, criminal)

Used with nouns:

"The police should prevent acts of violence."
(violence, injustice)

"I appreciate your act of kindness."
(kindness, friendship, bravery)

Study Vocabulary Words act (v): to do something; to perform in a movie or play


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Used with adverbs:

"If you want something, you should act immediately."
(immediately, at once, quickly)

"Politicians should act appropriately in public."
(appropriately, properly, ethically, responsibly)

"She was confused when her husband began acting oddly."
(oddly, strangely, suspiciously, carelessly, aggressively)

"The actor acted wonderfully in his new movie."
(wonderfully, amazingly, brilliantly, terribly, badly)

Used with prepositions:

"She began to act like a clown."

"He was only acting out of anger."
(out of)

"The government works to act against terrorists."

"You shouldn't always act on your impulses."

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