How to Use "Age" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words age (n): how old something is; period of history; a long time


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Used with adjectives:

"He learned how to ride a bike at an early age."
(early, young, later, late)

"We are living in the modern age."
(modern, industrial, nuclear, computer)

"This artifact is from the Bronze age."
(Bronze, Stone, Ice, Victorian)

Used with verbs:

"When you reach my age, you'll understand."
(reach, get to, approach, live to)

"You don't act your age."
(act, look)

"I don't feel my age."

"The legal drinking age was raised to 21."
(raised, lowered, changed)

"It took ages for me to finish college."

Used with nouns:

"What is the age limit at the bar?"
(limit, range, group)

Used with prepositions:

"I was already working at your age."

"My children are between the ages of 6 and 10."

"You cannot enter if you are under the age of 18."
(under, over)

"This was written in the Victorian Age."
(in, during, for)

"The mammoth survived through the Ice Age."
(through, until, before)

Study Vocabulary Words age (v): to grow older


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Used with adverbs:

"You have aged greatly over the years."
(greatly, much, a lot, little, some, a bit)

"While in office, the president aged quickly."
(quickly, rapidly, prematurely)

"The Hollywood actress aged gracefully."
(gracefully, well)

"My dog has really aged these past couple of years."
(really, quickly, rapidly)

"The wine has been aged well."
(well, nicely, perfectly)

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