How to Use "Agreement" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words agreement (n): a situation where people have the same opinion or belief


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Used with adjectives:

"The two countries have a formal agreement."
(formal, written, verbal, political, secret, trade, peace)

"My friend and I have an unspoken agreement not to discuss politics."
(unspoken, informal, verbal)

"He made a tentative agreement to buy my car."
(tentative, written, signed, verbal)

"Our rental agreement does not allow pets."
(rental, tenant, lease)

"She and I are in complete agreement."
(complete, full, absolute, total, mutual)

Used with verbs:

"Let's discuss the agreement."
(discuss, draft, finalize, sign)

"We need to make an agreement."
(make, reach)

"You must honor our agreement."
(honor, keep, adhere to, stick to, remember)

"She broke the agreement."
(broke, severed, violated, went back on)

"They finally reached an agreement."
(reached, arrived at, came to)

Used with prepositions:

"They are in an agreement to share work responsibilities."
(in, under)

"He has finalized an agreement with the housing agent."

"There is an unspoken agreement between them."

"We reached an agreement on that subject."
(on, about)

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