How to Use "Anger" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words anger (n): the strong feeling of being upset; negative feelings toward someone or something


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Used with adjectives:

"I felt great anger toward him."
(great, bitter, intense, genuine, sudden, intense)

"After years of growing anger, he finally quit his job."
(growing, mounting, suppressed)

"There was widespread anger at the government."
(widespread, public, worldwide)

Used with verbs:

"They felt anger toward their parents."
(felt, be + filled with, be + shaking)

"He expressed his anger at the judges."
(expressed, showed, vented, voiced, released)

"You shouldn't hide your anger."
(hide, suppress, ignore)

"Please control your anger."

"The conflict caused our anger to boil over."
(boil over, boil up, build up, flare up)

Used with prepositions:

"He expressed his anger towards the new policy."
(towards, towards, at, against)

"He yelled with anger."
(with, in)

Used with nouns:

"He's getting therapy for anger management."

Study Vocabulary Words anger (v): to cause negative feelings toward someone or something


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Used with adverbs:

"He deeply angers me."
(deeply, greatly, easily)

Used with nouns:

"Her behavior angers a lot of people."
(behavior, actions, personality, rudeness, sarcasm, manners, conduct)

Used with verbs:

"He was angered to find out that someone stole his computer."
(to find out, to discover, to learn, to know)

"She appears to anger easily."
(appears to, seems to)

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