How to Use "Appeal" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words appeal (n): a request for a decision to be changed; quality that makes something interesting


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Used with adjectives:

"That house has great appeal."
(great, considerable)

"Classic books have lasting appeal."
(lasting, enduring, timeless)

"This car has little appeal, but it's all I can afford."
(little, limited)

"The movie was successful because it had widespread appeal."
(widespread, universal, commercial, marketing)

"She has great sexual appeal."
(sexual, sex, visual)

"He made a desperate appeal to the court judge."
(desperate, emotional, urgent, direct)

"The prisoner filed a legal appeal to have a new trial."
(legal, formal, further, court)

Used with verbs:

"Van Gogh's paintings have much appeal."
(have, hold, retain)

"Nice clothes and makeup can boost a person's appeal."
(boost, enhance, raise, lift, increase)

"We made a direct appeal to the judge."
(made, issued, sent out)

"Her appeal are her eyes."
(be: is/am/are)

"They won their appeal."
(won, filed, made, dropped, lost)

"The judged allowed a new appeal."
(allowed, agreed to, accepted)

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