How to Use "Appointment" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words appointment (n): a formal arrangement to meet; the selection of someone for a job


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Used with adjectives:

"You should be careful not to miss an important appointment."
(important, urgent, business)

"I need to schedule a dentist appointment."
(dentist, dental, doctor, medical, follow-up, therapy)

"His appointment to the board of directors is permanent."
(permanent, temporary, lifetime, full-time, part-time)

"She is a key appointment to our staff."
(key, important, new, recent)

Used with verbs:

"We have an appointment for Tuesday."
(have, scheduled, booked, made, set up)

"Don't forget your appointment."
(forget, miss, skip, be late for, cancel)

"The president cannot hold any other appointments."
(hold, accept)

"She resigned from her appointment as Supreme Court judge."
(resigned, retired)

"The board of directors approved his appointment."
(approved, rejected, accepted)

Used with prepositions:

"You can only see the doctor by appointment."
(by, with an)

"She was the right appointment for the job."

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