How to Use "Approach" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words approach (n): the way of handling a situation; the act of coming closer


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Used with adjectives:

"I'll show you the conventional approach."
(conventional, usual, traditional, balanced, practical, sensible)

"He was praised for taking such a fresh approach to the problem."
(fresh, unique, creative, innovative)

"They will be safer with a more cautious approach."
(cautious, conservative)

"Our boss prefers the hands-on approach to managing."
(hands-on, wait-and-see, informal, no-nonsense, proactive, aggressive)

"I think you took the right approach to parenting."
(right, wrong, best)

"The soldiers made a quick approach to the enemy line."
(quick, rapid)

Used with verbs:

"I use a more traditional approach to teaching."
(use, take, have)

"We've decided to adopt a new approach."
(adopt, take, apply, employ, follow, try, use, utilize, tackle)

"After multiple problems, I'm going to abandon this approach."
(abandon, reject)

"The airplane made its approach to the airport."
(made, began, signaled)

Study Vocabulary Words approach (v): to handle a situation; to come closer


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Used with adverbs:

"Always approach dogs slowly."
(slowly, carefully, cautiously)

"If you want a date, you should approach her directly."
(directly, personally)

Used with prepositions:

"The police approached the house from the back."
(from, toward)

"I approached my teacher about my test score."
(about, regarding, concerning)

"I approached my boss for a raise."
(for, about, concerning, regarding)

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