How to Use "Arrival" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words arrival (n): the act of coming to a place; someone or something that has come to a place


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Used with adjectives:

"The plane made an early arrival."
(early, late)

"We weren't ready for his sudden arrival."
(sudden, unexpected)

"I'm delighted by your safe arrival."
(safe, early)

"We would like to welcome our latest arrival."
(latest, newest, new, recent)

Used with verbs:

"When did she make her arrival?"
(make, schedule, plan)

"Snow marks the arrival of winter."
(marks, signals)

"We are expecting their arrival."
(be + expecting, be + anticipating, be + awaiting)

"I cannot wait to meet our newest arrival."
(meet, welcome, greet, celebrate)

Used with nouns:

"When is your arrival date?"
(date, time)

Used with prepositions:

"The party will begin upon their arrival."
(upon, after)

"We will await his arrival at the airport."
(at, near, by)

"We're excited for their arrival in Seattle."
(in, from)

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