How to Use "Art" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words art (n): something created with skill and imagination; the study of something that requires great skill


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Used with adjectives:

"He creates great art."
(great, beautiful, wonderful, nice)

"She enjoys abstract art."
(abstract, contemporary, visual, digital, computer, photographic)

"I am studying creative arts."
(creative, culinary, performing, visual, martial, liberal)

"We are studying ancient art."
(ancient, classical, modern, religious, folk, Asian, African)

Used with verbs:

"She loves to create works of art."
(create, produce, display, collect, view)

"The millionaire purchases rare art from all over the world."
(purchases, buys)

"Do you appreciate fine art?"
(appreciate, like, enjoy)

Used with nouns:

"Let's go to the art museum!"
(museum, gallery, show, exhibit)

"I like your art collection."
(collection, work, project)

"She's an art dealer."
(dealer, collector, critic, director, historian, teacher)

"I'm an art lover."
(lover, expert, enthusiast)

"We are students at an art school."
(school, academy, college)

"This is my art studio."

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