How to Use "Aspect" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words aspect (n): a specific part or feature of something


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Used with adjectives:

"Studying is an important aspect of school."
(important, essential, fundamental, major, key, significant, vital)

"An attractive aspect of this apartment is the view."
(attractive, appealing, exciting, positive)

"This is the controversial aspect of the story."
(controversial, disappointing, disturbing, negative, troubling)

"We're studying the environmental aspects of this issue."
(environmental, commercial, cultural, economic, historical, legal, military, psychological, religious, scientific, social)

Used with verbs:

"This problem has several aspects."

"We need to address all aspects."
(address, consider, cover, deal with, discuss, examine, explore, look at)

"We cannot ignore this aspect."
(ignore, neglect, overlook)

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