How to Use "Assistance" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words assistance (n): the act of helping or supporting


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Used with adjectives:

"They received considerable assistance from their parents."
(considerable, great, a lot of, valuable)

"The city received emergency assistance after the earthquake."
(emergency, immediate, direct, federal, government, financial)

Used with verbs:

"The city gave assistance to the fire victims."
(gave, promised, provided, offered)

"She's hoping to obtain assistance."
(obtain, receive, get)

"We require assistance."
(require, be + in need of, need)

"I would appreciate some assistance."
(appreciate, welcome)

Used with prepositions:

"She changed her tire with assistance."
(with, without)

"There was assistance for the hurricane victims."

"They received assistance from their families."

"I need assistance in figuring out this math problem."

Previous Word by Letter: assist
Next Word by Letter: assistant
Previous Word by Frequency: arrive
Next Word by Frequency: attach

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