How to Use "Atmosphere" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words atmosphere (n): the air that surrounds the earth; the air in a particular place; a general feeling in a place


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Used with adjectives:

"This city has a cozy atmosphere."
(cozy, comfortable, relaxed, calm, nice)

"The neighborhood's atmosphere is friendly."
(friendly, pleasant, positive, welcoming, warm)

"Her speech created an emotional atmosphere among the crowd."
(emotional, hostile, tense, nervous)

"The holidays bring a festive atmosphere."
(festive, exciting, joyous, fun, lively)

"This restaurant provides a romantic atmosphere."
(romantic, intimate)

"He is very uncomfortable in a political atmosphere."
(political, social)

"Our atmosphere is polluted."
(polluted, terrible)

"Those birds fly in the upper atmosphere."
(upper, lower)

"The atmosphere is very thin in this city."
(thin, thick)

"The bar had a very smoky atmosphere."
(smoky, stuffy)

Used with verbs:

"The music created a relaxing atmosphere."
(created, maintained, provided)

"The factory poisoned the atmosphere."
(poisoned, polluted, disturbed, ruined)

"The clown tried to lighten the atmosphere."
(lighten, improve, relax)

"I sensed a negative atmosphere in the room."
(sensed, felt, noticed)

"The spaceship left the atmosphere."
(left, escaped, entered, re-entered)

Used with prepositions:

"There was a lot of smoke in the atmosphere."

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