How to Use "Battle" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words battle (n): a fight or competition


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Used with adjectives:

"The armies fought a bloody battle."
(bloody, fierce, intense, final)

"We learned about many epic battles in history class."
(epic, famous, great, historic, important, major)

"She fought in the naval battle."
(naval, air, land, gun)

"They're preparing for the coming battle."
(coming, upcoming)

"The politicians waged a bitter battle for president."
(bitter, heated, intense, tough)

"My brother and I have an ongoing battle for the front seat of the car."
(ongoing, constant, continuing, running)

"She's fighting a losing battle with cancer."
(losing, uphill, hopeless)

Used with verbs:

"Did you fight in the battle?"
(fight in, see)

"They won the battle."
(won, lost, entered, joined, left, exited, withdrew from)

"They've waged battle many times."
(waged, gone into)

"The general sent soldiers into battle."
(sent, ordered, commanded)

"Few people survived the battle."

"The battle will take place at dawn."
(take place, resume, begin, start, continue, be over, end)

"The lawyer fought a battle with the insurance company."
(fought a, went into, engaged in, faced a, won a, lost a, ended the)

"The battled raged on for years."
(raged on, went on, continued)

Study Vocabulary Words battle (v): to fight or compete


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Used with adverbs:

"The warriors battled ferociously."
(ferociously, fiercely, hard, bravely, valiantly)

"We battled in vain for reform."
(in vain, unsuccessfully, constantly)

Used with prepositions:

"We will go to battle against this country."
(against, for, over, with)

"They have battled through many medical problems."

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