How to Use "Bill" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words bill (n): a piece of paper that shows how much money is owed for products or services; paper money; an idea for a new law


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Used with adjectives:

"We received a huge bill for the car repairs."
(huge, hefty, big, large)

"My phone company sent me an outstanding bill."
(outstanding, unpaid)

"After the accident, her medical bills were huge."
(medical, hospital, legal)

"May I have an itemized bill of our hotel charges?"

"She can't afford her hotel bill."
(hotel, phone, telephone, electric, hospital, gas, heating, cable, credit-card, utility)

"The machine only takes one-dollar bills."
(dollar, one-dollar, five-dollar, 10-dollar)

"The new budget bill should be passed soon."
(budget, spending, reform, immigration)

"The proposed bill will create jobs."
(proposed, pending, new)

Used with verbs:

"We received the bill in the mail."
(received, got, found)

"I had to pay the bill since no one else had any money."
(pay, foot, pick up, settle, cover)

"When we go out, we usually share the bill."
(share, split)

"The hotel sent me a bill for the broken items."
(sent, mailed)

"We ran up a large hotel bill."
(ran up)

"Shorter showers will cut our water bill."
(cut, lower, reduce, lessen)

"I asked for the bill."
(asked for, paid)

"The bill came before dessert."
(came, arrived)

"He is drafting a bill for congress."
(be + drafting, be + writing, be + introducing, be + proposing, be + offering, be + submitting, be + preparing)

"They are debating the bill."
(be + debating, be + amending, be + adopting, be + approving, be + passing, be + signing, be + backing, be + endorsing, be + supporting, be + voting for)

"He thinks the bill will be blocked."
(blocked, defeated, killed, rejected, thrown out, vetoed)

"She opposed the new bill."
(opposed, voted against)

Used with prepositions:

"Who is going to pay the bill for car damages?"

Used with nouns:

"When was your last bill payment?"

"He keeps getting calls from a bill collector."

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