How to Use "Book" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words book (n): a set of printed pages bound together; money records


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Used with adjectives:

"The author's latest book should be very popular."
(latest, new, newest, recent, upcoming)

"The library has many books."
(many, various)

"This store only carries best-selling books."
(best-selling, paperback, hardcover, rare, second-hand, used)

"I'm looking for a children's book."
(children's, coloring, comic, picture, story, cook, travel, reference, history, science)

"This book is excellent."
(excellent, fascinating, wonderful, great, interesting, terrific)

"His first book is very famous."
(famous, influential, important, controversial)

"Open your text books."
(text, school, reading, work, math)

"She lost her address book."
(address, phone, telephone)

"This is my favorite book."

Used with verbs:

"I read a book while waiting for my turn."
(read, flipped through, paged through, skimmed through, looked at)

"I'm not looking forward to studying this book."
(studying, reading)

"Please open your books."
(open, close, shut, take out, put away)

"Who authored this book?"
(authored, wrote, illustrated, published)

"This book has been reprinted many times."
(reprinted, edited, proofread, revised, translated, reviewed)

"She illustrates children's books."

"The book was banned in this country."
(be + banned, be + censored)

"Libraries let us check out books."
(check out, borrow, take out, renew)

"She keeps the company's account books."
(keeps, checks, audits)

Used with nouns:

"What's the book title?"
(title, name)

"He's a book reviewer."
(reviewer, editor)

"We belong to a book club."

"Don't forget your book bag."

Used with prepositions:

"The answer is found in his latest book."

"He is writing a book about his life experiences."
(about, on)

"I love books by Ernest Hemingway."

Study Vocabulary Words book (v): to reserve; to arrange for something in advance


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Used with adverbs:

"I booked a hotel in advance."
(in advance, early, ahead of time)

"Can we book tickets online?"
(online, by phone)

Used with prepositions:

"We booked our travels with an agent."

Used with nouns:

"I booked an appointment with the doctor."

"He booked a reservation at my favorite restaurant."
(reservation, table, seats)

"We booked a flight to Hawaii."
(flight, trip, vacation)

"She booked a hotel near the beach."
(a hotel, room)

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