How to Use "Border" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words border (n): the line that separates countries from one another; the outside edge of something


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Used with adjectives:

"This country has closed borders."
(closed, militarized, open, guarded)

"The two counties have a disputed border."
(disputed, common)

"There are beaches along the southern border."
(southern, northern, eastern, western, northeastern, southeastern, northwestern, southwestern)

"They have guards that protect their international borders."
(international, national, state)

"This quilt has a wide border."
(wide, narrow, thin, beautiful, decorative)

Used with verbs:

"We will need our passports when we arrive at the border."
(arrive at, reach, stop at, cross, drive across)

"The criminal tried to escape across the border."
(escape across, escape over, flee across, flee over)

"This river forms the eastern border of the state."
(forms, marks)

"The army is patrolling the border."
(be + patrolling, be + guarding, be + closing, be + sealing, be + securing)

"We share a border with Mexico."

"Some people want to permanently open the borders."
(open, close)

Used with nouns:

"We arrived at the border crossing."
(crossing, post)

"Border guards would not let us through."
(guards, patrol, control, troops)

"The border town gets many visitors."
(town, region)

"The border dispute between the two countries has been going on for many years."
(dispute, war)

Used with prepositions:

"They made it across the border illegally."
(across, over)

"There are guards all along the border."

"They stopped us at the border."

"We live on the border of the United States and Canada."

"The border between the two countries is in dispute."
(between, of)

"It is located on the border with Canada."

Study Vocabulary Words border (v): to be next to something; to be very close to


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Used with nouns:

"The country borders an ocean."
(country, state, nation)

"Flowers border the sidewalk."
(flowers, trees, bushes, hedges)

"His behavior borders on abuse."
(behavior, attitude, action, conduct)

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