How to Use "Bug" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words bug (n): an insect; an illness; something wrong with a computer program


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Used with adjectives:

"I stayed home because I have a nasty bug."
(nasty, flu, stomach)

"The computer has a minor bug."
(minor, major, annoying)

"I cannot finish my work because of a computer bug."
(computer, software)

Used with verbs:

"I caught a stomach bug."
(caught, have, came down with, got, picked up)

"A flu bug is going around the school."
(going around)

"I was bitten by a bug last night."
(be + bitten by)

"The programmers discovered the computer bug."
(discovered, found, fixed, eliminated)

Used with prepositions:

"She cannot go to school with a flu bug."

"There is a minor bug in the software system."

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