How to Use "Bus" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words bus (n): a large vehicle used for carrying many people


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Used with adjectives:

"A shuttle bus will take you to the airport."
(shuttle, airport)

"We'll see the city in a tour bus."
(tour, sightseeing, double-decker)

"My children take a school bus in the morning."

"This is a crowded bus."
(crowded, city, public, local)

"Don't miss the last bus."

Used with verbs:

"We'll go by bus."
(go by, travel by)

"How long did you wait for the bus?"
(wait for)

"We'll try to catch the bus."
(catch, run for)

"I missed the bus."
(missed, boarded, got on, got off, left)

"My son wants to ride the bus."
(ride, take)

"The bus runs every hour."
(runs, comes, arrives, goes, leaves)

"Buses stop here."
(stop, come, leave from)

"This bus can take all of the students to the field trip."
(take, carry)

"Does the bus pick up many people?"
(pick up)

Used with nouns:

"Do you know the bus schedule?"
(schedule, times, timetable, route)

"Where is the bus terminal?"
(terminal, station, stop, depot)

"This will be a long bus trip."
(trip, ride, tour)

"She's a bus rider."
(rider, passenger, driver)

"Show me your bus pass."
(pass, ticket)

Used with prepositions:

"We will go by bus."
(by, on the)

"Is this the bus for downtown?"
(for, to)

"Let's take the bus into town."
(into, to, from, out of)

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