How to Use "Buyer" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words buyer (n): someone who pays money for something; someone who is looking to purchase a particular item


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Used with adjectives:

"You have to be very friendly to potential buyers."
(potential, prospective, possible)

"He had a lot of questions because he was a first-time buyer."
(first-time, new)

"Home buyers often take a long time to choose."
(home, car)

"Smart buyers look for good deals."
(smart, intelligent, informed)

Used with verbs:

"We have a buyer for our house."
(have, found, got)

"We need to attract more buyers."
(attract, tempt, interest, entice, bring in)

"This damage might deter buyers."
(deter, scare away, drive away)

Used with prepositions:

"Did you find a buyer for your piano?"

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