How to Use "Care" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words care (n): special attention or protection for something


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Used with adjectives:

"He takes good care of his car."
(good, great)

"Children need proper care."
(proper, loving, tender, special, constant, full-time)

"Who is responsible for the short-term care of those children?"
(short-term, long-term, continuing, temporary, daily, day-to-day)

"She is in intensive care at the hospital."
(intensive, emergency)

"She needs maternity care."
(maternity, prenatal)

"Your grandmother will need clinical care."
(clinical, health, medical, nursing, home, psychiatric)

"I'm his primary care provider."
(primary, secondary)

"This doctor focuses on preventative care."

"The boy will be put in foster care."
(foster, public, child, day, protective)

"He is also responsible for pastoral care."
(pastoral, spiritual)

"They want to improve the company's customer care."
(customer, client)

"Do you sell skin care products?"
(skin, hair)

"Please take special care with this project."
(special, extra, extreme)

"He does his job with meticulous care."
(meticulous, proper, reasonable)

Used with verbs:

"Will you take care of our dog while we are on vacation?"

"Are you happy with the care provided by your doctor?"
(provided, given, offered)

"I think my father will require special care."
(require, need)

"I'll have to exercise care to avoid offending anyone."

Used with nouns:

"We should respect health care workers."
(workers, providers, givers)

"We are impressed with this medical care center."
(center, facility, program)

"She sent me a care package when I went to college."

Used with prepositions:

"The children are now under our care."
(under, in)

"The accident happened in the babysitter's care."

"You must handle this with care."

"Without care, the plants will die."

Study Vocabulary Words care (v): to offer special attention or protection for something


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Used with adverbs:

"She cares deeply about the environment."
(deeply, a lot, passionately)

"I really care about what you think."
(really, truly, genuinely, actually, particularly)

"He hardly cares about what will happen."

"I don't think you care enough about me."

Used with prepositions:

"Do you care about anything?"

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