How to Use "Case" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words case (n): a particular situation (especially for police or law); a container


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Used with adjectives:

"It was a classic case of what not to do."
(classic, textbook, typical)

"It was a clear case of robbery."
(clear, obvious, simple)

"In extreme cases, the illness can lead to death."
(extreme, isolated, rare, special, unusual)

"There were many documented cases of assaults in that area."
(documented, undocumented, reported, unreported)

"She has an acute case of the flu."
(acute, chronic, advanced, bad, serious, severe, mild)

"There are confirmed cases of swine flu in Texas."
(confirmed, reported)

"It was a notorious case for the nation."
(notorious, tragic, landmark)

"They're investigating the assault case."
(assault, homicide, murder, rape, robbery)

"You have a compelling case."
(compelling, convincing, good, persuasive, powerful, strong)

"Where is the pencil case?"
(pencil, guitar, violin, CD, DVD)

"There are pictures in the trophy case."
(trophy, display)

"Have you handled many court cases?"
(court, criminal, civil, high profile, death penalty)

Used with verbs:

"We must consider this case."
(consider, think about)

"Many cases of theft occurred in the neighborhood."
(occurred, happened, appeared)

"I think you are overstating the case."
(be + overstating, be + understating)

"Can you handle the case?"
(handle, manage, work on, investigate)

"You'll never crack this case."
(crack, solve, close, reopen)

"She brought the case to court."
(brought, presented)

"The lawyer pursued the case."
(pursued, litigated, took, defended)

"The Supreme Court will consider the case."
(consider, hear, try, review, dismiss, throw out, drop, decide)

"We won the case."
(won, lost, settled)

"Our case has collapsed."
(collapsed, fallen apart)

"The case involved the company's employees."
(involved, centered on, focused on)

"We need to prepare our case."
(prepare, make, present, state, argue, plead)

"The witness will weaken our case."
(weaken, boost, help, strengthen, support)

"He was diagnosed with a case of the flu."
(be + diagnosed)

"The hospital reported multiple cases of bird flu."

Used with nouns:

"The scientist is doing a case study on the children."

"May I see the case report?"
(report, file)

"This is my case officer."
(officer, manager)

"The doctor is studying the case history of his new patient."
(history, notes, records)

Used with prepositions:

"The police are on the case right now."

"There were many cases of home robberies in our neighborhood recently."

"She has a strong case against her former employer."

"I put it back in the glass case."

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