How to Use "Cell" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words cell (n): the smallest living part of the body; a small room for prisoners


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Used with adjectives:

"Hair is made of dead cells."

"Radiation damages living cells."
(living, healthy, normal)

"The scientist studies blood cells."
(blood, brain, nerve, skin, stem, cancer)

"We are studying animal cells."
(animal, human, plant)

"She was put in a jail cell."
(jail, police, prison, holding, padded)

Used with verbs:

"The body cannot create new brain cells."
(create, form, grow, develop)

"Cancer attacks healthy cells."
(attacks, kills, destroys)

"The doctor collected cancerous cells from the patient."
(collected, extracted, removed)

"Cells divide in order to reproduce."

"Brain cells die from too much drug use."

Used with nouns:

"We are learning about cell growth in biology class."
(growth, division)

"The cell's nucleus was damaged."
(nucleus, wall, membrane)

Used with prepositions:

"He was kept in the holding cell at the police station."

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