How to Use "Champion" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words champion (n): the winner of a competition; a hero


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Used with adjectives:

"Muhammad Ali is a great boxing champion."
(great, supreme)

"He is the supreme champion."
(supreme, defending, undisputed, reigning, undefeated, world, national, former)

"She is an Olympic champion."
(Olympic, boxing, wrestling, basketball) *many additional sports

"I want to be the heavyweight champion of the world."
(heavyweight, middleweight, welterweight)

Used with verbs:

"He became the champion last year."
(became, be + crowned, be + named)

"She beat the reigning champion."
(beat, defeated)

"This match will determine the new champion."
(determine, decide)

"The champions will defend their title."

Used with nouns:

"She's a champion fighter."
(fighter, sprinter, runner, boxer, golfer, athlete) *many additional nouns

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