How to Use "Character" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words character (n): the qualities of a person; a good personality; a person in a story; a symbol for writing


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Used with adjectives:

"Your new boyfriend has excellent character."
(excellent, good, exemplary, impeccable)

"People love her because of her generous character."
(generous, gentle, likeable, lovable)

"The story has colorful characters."
(colorful, lively, real, larger-than-life)

"She has a very complex character."
(complex, odd, forceful, formidable, strong)

"My boss has a weak character."
(weak, volatile, unpleasant, unsavory)

"The actor played an evil character."
(evil, bad, ruthless, violent, shady, suspicious)

"This neighborhood has a distinctive character."
(distinctive, unique, rural, urban, intimate)

"I liked the movie's lead character."
(lead, central, main)

"She's a minor character in the book."
(minor, supporting, fictional)

"The lead was a sympathetic character."
(sympathetic, unsympathetic, comic, heroic, tragic, believable, realistic)

"My daughter likes cartoon characters."
(cartoon, animated)

"I can't read foreign characters."

Used with verbs:

"He really has character."

"He is a minor character in the play."
(be: is/am/are)

"His education shaped his character."
(shaped, formed)

"You've revealed your true character."
(revealed, shown, concealed, hid)

"Her smile reflects a positive character."

"The city has lost some of its unique character."
(lost, retained, preserved)

"This paint gives a nice character to the house."
(gives, provides, adds, offers)

"Hard work builds character."

"The author killed off my favorite character."
(killed off, introduced)

"How do you invent your characters?"
(invent, build, create, develop, depict, draw)

Used with nouns:

"What are your best character traits?"

"I can ignore her character flaws."
(flaws, defects, problems)

"She's gone through quite a character change."
(change, transformation)

"Will you provide me with a character reference?"

"The lawyer made a character assassination of the defendant."

"The book would've been better with more character development."

Used with prepositions:

"It's not in his character to cheat."

"Her burst of anger was completely out of character."
(out of)

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