How to Use "Cigarette" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words cigarette (n): a roll of paper filled with tobacco used for smoking


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Used with adjectives:

"A lighted cigarette caused the fire."
(lighted, lit, burning, half-smoked)

"He prefers unfiltered cigarettes."
(unfiltered, hand-rolled)

Used with verbs:

"Do you smoke cigarettes?"

"He lit a cigarette before speaking."
(lit, puffed on, sucked on, put out, extinguished)

"She rolls her own cigarettes."

"Can I borrow a cigarette?"
(borrow, bum)

"He flicked his cigarette into the street before entering the building."

Used with nouns:

"I hate cigarette smoke."
(smoke, smell, smokers)

"There were cigarette ashes on the ground."
(ashes, butts)

"I lost my cigarette lighter."
(lighter, case, pack)

"Cigarette smoking has gone down."
(smoking, use)

"Cigarette advertisements are not allowed on TV."
(advertisements, ads)

"He works for a cigarette company."
(company, manufacturer, maker)

"I need a cigarette break."

"I need to buy a pack of cigarettes."
(pack of, box of, carton of, case of)

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