How to Use "Class" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words class (n): a group of students; a meeting where students are taught a particular lesson or activity; an economic or social group; a group of things; high quality or style


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Used with adjectives:

"I teach a large class."
(large, big, small)

"You'll need to join the beginner class."
(beginner, elementary, intermediate, introductory, advanced)

"Biology class is my favorite."
(biology, math, history, science, computer, art, physics, chemistry)

"She wants to begin acting classes."
(acting, dance, karate, yoga)

"I have a day job, so I'm taking night classes."
(night, evening, weekend)

"When do college classes begin?"
(college, high school, kindergarten, elementary school)

"That is an easy class to pass."
(easy, hard)

"How many are in the incoming class?"
(incoming, new, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduating)

"The politician spoke about the middle class."
(middle, upper, lower, working, ruling, wealthy)

"What is your weight class?"
(weight, age)

"You have great class."
(great, real, a lot of, much, no)

Used with verbs:

"He never attends class."
(attends, goes to, comes to, studies for, prepares for)

"I want to sign up for this class."
(sign up for, enroll in, join, cut, skip, miss, drop out of, audit)

"Your cell phone interrupted class."
(interrupted, disrupted)

"Our school offers many classes."
(offers, has)

"I'd like you to lead class today."
(lead, run, teach, observe, help with)

"My teacher always dismisses our class late."
(dismisses, ends)

"Did you fail the class?"
(fail, flunk, pass, ace, drop)

Used with nouns:

"We are going to have a class discussion tomorrow."
(discussion, reunion)

"I like my class schedule."
(schedule, work, size)

"She doesn't like the new class structure."
(structure, system)

"Society will always face some form of class struggle."
(struggle, conflict, issue)

Used with prepositions:

"We discussed it in class this morning."

"We are part of the middle class."

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