How to Use "Clearly" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words clearly (adv): in an obvious way; in a way that is easy to see or hear


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Used with adjectives:

"She was clearly upset during the meeting."
(upset, annoyed, angry, confused, disappointed, frustrated, unhappy)

"He was clearly delighted with the news."
(delighted, happy, impressed, pleased)

"She was clearly embarrassed of her messy apartment."
(embarrassed, ashamed)

"She is clearly worried about leaving her children."
(worried, nervous, stressed, terrified, uncomfortable)

"This idea is clearly absurd!"
(absurd, impossible, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, stupid)

"What you're doing is clearly illegal."
(illegal, unacceptable, wrong, insane, inappropriate)

Used with verbs:

"My art teacher clearly admires Vincent Van Gogh."
(admires, adores, loves, favors, prefers, likes)

"Alcohol has clearly affected your driving."
(affected, hampered, influenced, hurt, impaired)

"I can clearly see it."
(see, hear, smell, taste)

"She clearly remembers her childhood."
(remembers, recalls)

"This law will clearly benefit the neighborhood."
(benefit, help, assist, improve)

"The sign should be displayed clearly so customers can see it."

"The plan clearly divided the people."
(divided, upset, angered)

"Our children clearly enjoy the swimming pool."

"Please write clearly."
(write, speak, talk, answer)

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