How to Use "Cold" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words cold (adj): not warm or hot; very cool


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Used with adverbs:

"It can be bitterly cold in Alaska."
(bitterly, extremely, freezing, terribly, very)

"I'll bring a jacket because it is fairly cold outside."
(fairly, a bit, a little)

Used with verbs:

"Your dog looks cold."
(looks, seems, feels, be: is/am/are)

"The food grew cold."
(grew, became, got, turned, went)

"The weather will stay cold until spring."
(stay, remain, be)

"The rain is making me cold."
(be + making)

"You should keep the drinks cold."

"This dish is supposed to be served cold."
(served, eaten)

Used with nouns:

"This motel has only cold water."
(water, showers, baths)

"There's cold air blowing into our bedroom."

"She won't live in cold climates."
(climates, weather)

"The villain has a cold heart."

"He killed her in cold blood."

"I felt a cold chill."
(chill, draft, sweat, wind)

"Do you like cold chicken?"
(chicken, pizza, food)

"It was a very cold night."
(night, morning, day, week, month, winter)

Study Vocabulary Words cold (n): low temperature; a common illness that results in a cough, sneeze, and runny nose


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Used with adjectives:

"They were lost in the bitter cold."
(bitter, biting, extreme, freezing, winter)

"Her son has a nasty cold."
(nasty, bad, mild, slight, chest, head)

"We need to find a cure for the common cold."

Used with verbs:

"I felt the cold coming in through the window."

"Make sure to stay out of the cold."
(stay, keep)

"She has a bad cold."
(has, be + suffering from, be + nursing)

"He caught a cold from his wife."

Used with prepositions:

"They were fighting against the cold."

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