How to Use "Collection" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words collection (n): a group of similar things; a group of people or things


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Used with adjectives:

"She has a huge collection of comic books."
(huge, extensive, large, big, massive, vast)

"Is this a complete collection of baseball cards?"

"A small collection of people were unhappy with the decision."
(small, growing)

"These paintings are part of the museum's permanent collection."
(permanent, core, reserve)

"Thieves stole the valuable collection of statues."
(valuable, priceless, private)

"This museum collection is the best in the world."
(museum, library, antique, art, book, coin, stamp)

"You have an impressive CD collection."
(CD, DVD, record, vinyl, music)

"She's in charge of debt collection."
(debt, tax, rent, garbage, trash)

"These clothes are from the spring collection."
(spring, fall, winter, summer, autumn, new, old, vintage)

Used with verbs:

"He owns a collection of cars."
(owns, has, acquired, amassed)

"The company assembled a smart collection of people."
(assembled, gathered, hired)

"I've decided to start a collection of souvenirs."
(start, exhibit, show, display, donate)

"This trading card will complete my collection."

"I am editing a collection of her poetry."
(be + editing, be + compiling, be + publishing)

Used with prepositions:

"They are going to auction off her collection of various artwork."

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