How to Use "Command" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words command (n): an order given to a person or animal; control or authority over people


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Used with adjectives:

"He disobeyed a simple command."
(simple, basic, verbal, written)

"She's in complete command."
(complete, total, direct, sole)

"He has excellent command of his emotions."
(excellent, good, perfect, great)

Used with verbs:

"You need to obey her commands."
(obey, carry out)

"He was punished for disobeying her commands."
(disobeying, ignoring, disregarding)

"He shouted his command to fire."
(shouted, issued, gave)

"He will take over command."
(take over, take, assume)

Used with nouns:

"This came from the command center."
(center, headquarters)

Used with prepositions:

"I am at your command."

"Who is in command here?"

"We are under the command of the general."

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