How to Use "Consequence" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words consequence (n): result of something that happened


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Used with adjectives:

"Your lies have resulted in serious consequences."
(serious, damaging, dangerous, harmful, negative)

"His gambling addiction has led to bad consequences."
(bad, serious, severe, terrible, unfortunate, devastating)

"The traffic was the main consequence of moving to a big city."
(main, major)

"His actions had a direct consequence on everyone."
(direct, immediate)

"What do you think will be the likely consequence?"
(likely, possible, potential)

"They are facing serious economic consequences."
(economic, financial, legal, political, social, health)

Used with verbs:

"His decisions have serious consequences."
(have, lead to, result in)

"You must accept the consequence."
(accept, bear, face, take)

"Let's consider all of the consequences."
(consider, discuss, examine, explore, assess)

"I can predict the consequences of your actions."

Used with prepositions:

"His lying will have serious consequences on their marriage."
(on, for)

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