How to Use "Continue" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words continue (v): to keep doing something without stopping


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Used with nouns:

"The attack will continue."
(attack, battle, fight, hunt, journey, process, war)

"Can we continue this conversation later?"
(conversation, discussion, talk)

"The tradition will continue every year."
(tradition, trend)

"He should continue his education."
(education, research, schooling, study, work)

Used with verbs:

"He is going to continue his education."
(be + going to, must, needs to, wants to)

"The plant continued to grow even without water."
(to grow, to sprout)

Used with prepositions:

"Continue along this path and you will find the campsite."
(along, down, with)

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Next Word by Letter: contract
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Next Word by Frequency: issue

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