How to Use "Copy" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words copy (n): something that is made to look the same as something else


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Used with adjectives:

"We need an accurate copy."
(accurate, good, clear)

"He made a cheap copy of the painting."
(cheap, poor)

"The painting is a carbon copy."
(carbon, exact, identical, perfect, true)

"There is only one master copy."
(master, original)

"Please make an additional copy."
(additional, extra, second, spare)

"Save a hard copy for your records."
(hard, paper, printed)

"That book is my only copy."
(only, single)

"The magazine will give away one free copy."

"The book was a hardback copy."
(hardback, paperback, digital, electronic)

"The professor bought an old copy of the classic book."
(old, second-hand, used, new)

"The fan wants an autographed copy."
(autographed, signed)

Used with verbs:

"Please create a copy for yourself."
(create, make, print, take, keep)

"Could you email him a copy?"
(email, forward, send)

"I've attached a copy for your records."
(attached, enclosed)

"Copies of the classic book were distributed to the class."
(be + distributed, be + supplied)

"How can I get a copy of that book?"
(get, obtain, receive)

"I have a copy of that famous painting."
(have, own)

Used with nouns:

"It's in the copy machine."
(machine, room, center)

"We are out of copy paper."

Used with prepositions:

"Do you have my copy of the magazine?"

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