How to Use "Course" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words course (n): a class or a group of classes with the same teacher; a direction or route; something happening over time; one part of a meal; an area used for a sport


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Used with adjectives:

"This computer course is useful."
(computer, math, science, English)

"I'm taking an advanced course."
(advanced, beginners', intermediate, introductory, college-level, graduate-level, online)

"We took the normal course back home."
(normal, usual)

"The main course is chicken."
(main, first, second)

"The golf course is huge."
(golf, obstacle, race)

Used with verbs:

"I want to take that course."
(take, enroll in, join, sign up for)

"The professor will teach two courses."

"The university is offering a course in bioengineering."
(be + offering)

"He did not complete the course."
(complete, finish, pass, fail, flunk)

"The course covers the basics."
(covers, includes)

"The captain followed the course."
(followed, changed, reversed)

"She ate the last course."
(ate, skipped, finished)

"They are designing a new golf course."
(be + designing, be + building)

Used with prepositions:

"She's taking a course in organic chemistry."

"He is taking a course on global warming."

"She was sick during the course of her life."

"We had lobster for the main course."

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