How to Use "Cover" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words cover (n): an object that lies over something to protect it; an object that is over or above something; the outer part of a book


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Used with adjectives:

"The cell phone has a leather cover."
(leather, plastic, metal, cloth)

"The cushion cover is washable."
(cushion, mattress, pillow, seat)

"There is a picture on the back cover."
(back, front)

"I prefer the hard cover."
(hard, soft, glossy)

"The book cover is interesting."
(book, magazine, album)

Used with verbs:

"Don't forget to put on the cover."
(put on, replace, lift, open, remove, take off)

Used with prepositions:

"We should buy a cover for the couch."

"We found it under the cover."

Used with nouns:

"The cover photo is great."
(photo, picture, art, artwork, design)

"Everyone is talking about the cover article."
(article, feature, story)

"The model is on the cover page."

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