How to Use "Create" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words create (v): to make something


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Used with nouns:

"The architect created a work of art."
(architect, artist, sculptor, painter)

"The economy will create new jobs."

"The programmer will create advanced software."

"She created an account."
(account, blog, blueprint, costume, document, game, painting, picture, product, recipe, software, website)

"Don't create alarm."
(alarm, anxiety, bitterness, chaos, distrust, jealousy, panic, resentment, conflict)

"The goal is to create competition."
(competition, demand, harmony, opportunities, wealth, work)

Used with adverbs:

"She quickly created a game to pass the time."

"He successfully created a new product for his company."

"The economy suddenly created new jobs."

"He purposely created a scene in public."
(purposely, intentionally)

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