How to Use "Damage" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words damage (n): harm that is done to someone or something


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Used with adjectives:

"The building had considerable damage after the earthquake."
(considerable, great, heavy, massive, serious, significant)

"My car has minor damage from the accident."
(minor, slight, a little)

"The earthquake caused lasting damage."
(lasting, long-term, permanent)

"The victims suffered emotional damage."
(emotional, physical, brain)

"The storm caused property damage."
(property, widespread, extensive)

Used with verbs:

"The abuse caused serious psychological damage."
(caused, did, inflicted)

"The house suffered damages in the fire."
(suffered, sustained)

"Who will repair the damage to my car?"
(repair, fix, pay for)

"How can I prevent more damages to my roof?"
(prevent, avoid)

"They tried to limit the damage to the car."
(limit, minimize, reduce)

"How did the damage occur?"
(occur, happen)

Used with nouns:

"The insurance company will fill out a damage report."
(report, assessment)

"They hired a specialist to deal with damage control."

Used with prepositions:

"She suffered emotional damage from years of abuse."

"Alcohol did permanent damage to her liver."

Study Vocabulary Words damage (v): to harm someone or something


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Used with adverbs:

"The house was seriously damaged by the flood."
(seriously, badly, heavily, severely)

"She slightly damaged the car in the accident."

"He permanently damaged his back in the fall."

Used with nouns:

"The fire damaged the house."
(fire, flood, hurricane, tornado)

"Smoking damaged his health."
(health, lungs, skin)

"Rumors damaged his reputation."
(reputation, credibility, confidence)

"Fire damaged the building."
(building, property, house)

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